DA 101 - Introduction to Data Analytics
Why Data Analytics?
Many of the most pressing problems in the world can be addressed with data. We are awash in data and modern citizenship demands that we become literate in how to interpret data, what assumptions and processes are necessary to analyze data, and how we might participate in generating our own analyses and presentations of data. Consequently, data analytics is an emerging field with skills applicable to a wide variety of disciplines. This course introduces analysis, computation, and presentation concerns through the investigation of data-driven puzzles in a wide array of fields – political, economic, historical, social, biological and others. No previous experience is required.
Class will typically consist of short introductions and hands-on computing exercises. The course will be taught using R and RStudio, but the concepts learned will frequently apply across multiple programming languages and data management systems. There is no prerequisite for this course and no background in programming or databases is required.
Pre req
Programming Language